Festivals and Holidays ...
Like any country, the UK has plenty of festivals and holidays, some national and others regional. Here are some of the more common/unusual ones. Burns Night (25th January) – Scotland This...
Like any country, the UK has plenty of festivals and holidays, some national and others regional. Here are some of the more common/unusual ones. Burns Night (25th January) – Scotland This...
We have two new positions that have opened at LSI/IH Portsmouth. To see further details click here
Our 30+ courses are proving incredibly popular and if you read teacher Neil's account below, you can see why. How To Learn English Easily And Enjoy The Experience! Mariko, Bruna and L...
Queuing and why we do it Another in our series of articles about British Culture. This week we look at the art of Queuing - and why and how to do it properly. If you were to ask people around ...
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