From the Portsmouth Evening News
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Our lovely Suzie Coates has left for a huge adventure – the Portsmouth Evening News tells the story better than we could so here is the story as reported in last weeks Portsmouth Evening News:
Caring Suzie’s happy to give up time for others
Published on Friday 25 January 2013 12:55
Suzie, of Southsea, has given up her job at Language Specialists International, based in Lord Montgomery Way, Southsea, so she can spend a year in Ethiopia.
She will embark on the once-in-a-lifetime trip, which has been arranged through Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), at the beginning of February.
The organisation gives people the chance to work abroad and help those who are less fortunate.
Suzie will spend time with teachers at a training college in Gigel Beles, a village in the north west of the African country.
She will share her ideas about how to get the best out of students and she hopes to learn new things from them too.
As part of the project Suzie has to raise a minimum of £1,500 for VSO.
Suzie has raised part of the cash through a concert at The Registry, in St Michael’s Road, Southsea, which saw performances from The Uncountables, a band made up of her former employees.
Suzie also had a go on some DJ decks.
A bake-off at her old workplace before Christmas also raised £250.
‘I am sure this trip will make me appreciate everything that I have more,’ Suzie explains.
‘I’m feeling nervous about how different the culture will be and the sense of isolation.’
‘The experience will be tough going because Gigel Beles is five hours away from the nearest town and a day away from the capital.
‘The thing that will pull me through is knowing that I am going to make a difference to people’s lives,’ Suzie says.
‘I get a great sense of enjoyment out of doing that.
‘I’ll also keep in touch with my friends over the internet while I’m there.
‘They’ve been extremely supportive about what I am going to do.’
Suzie spent four years at Language Specialists International and prior to that she taught adults abroad in countries such as Egypt, Australia and Hungary.
‘I was in teaching and and teacher training for a long time.
‘I got to a point where I decided I wanted to help people who really needed it,’ she says.
Suzie adds: ‘I just enjoy that line of work.
‘It’s very rewarding and I feel like I’m taking the next logical step.’