LSI/IH Portsmouth Level (CEF*) Can do IELTS Level Cambridge Exam
Advanced (C2) Understand native speakers extremely well
Communicate ideas and opinions with considerable clarity
7.5 – 9 CPE
Certificate of Proficiency in English
Pre-Advanced (C1) Understand familiar registers of spoken English even at sustained levels of discourse

Communicate on a wide range of subjects effectively

6.5 – 7 CAE
Certificate of Advanced English
Upper-Intermediate (B2) Understand native speakers in stock or job-related situations
Communicate adequately in a range of situations
5.5 – 6 FCE
First Certificate in English
Intermediate (B1-B2) Understand familiar and simple texts competently
Can communicate adequately in most everyday situations
4.5 – 5
Lower-Intermediate (B1) Understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters
Sustain dialogues on topics which are familiar or of personal interest
Understand basic notices, instructions or information
4 – 4.5
Elementary (A1-A2) Interact in a simple way an describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background 3 – 3.5
Beginner (A1) Initially a non-user of English, working towards being able to understand and use correctly simple words or stock phrases 2

*Common European Framework

Progress – on average, students tend to complete an LSI/IH Portsmouth level (e.g intermediate) approximately every 12 weeks.