Last year saw the launch of no less than two books from LSI/IH Portsmouth authors.
The first was ‘A Business Guide for Beginners’ by our very own Executive teacher Des O’Keeffe.
Des got the idea of writing this book after several years of explaining business concepts and vocabulary to students (and it has to be said to some of the teachers as well). He certainly has the background and experience to be able to write about such a subject having had a 30 year business career and an MBA from The University of Bradford. He worked in the financial area, helping to set up Tesco’s Hungarian operation, and held a financial directorship in Poland. Des has been teaching English since 2003, has also taught on an MBA course in Latvia, and has provided financial training in Malawi.
Des says about the writing process: “I would strongly advise writing by the clock, not when the mood takes you. Also, don’t underestimate the time needed for correction and last minute tinkering – in my case that task took almost as long as to write the main draft”
The book is available online at
Amazon. This is how the book is described on its sleeve:
“Many, whether completing their education or looking for a change of career, will have started to consider entering the business world, whether taking up a career in industry, starting up their own business or studying business. In any case, the first barrier to overcome may be complete or partial lack of knowledge of what business is actually all about; its basic concepts and terminology.

A Business Guide for Beginners addresses the needs of readers seeking to develop their practical knowledge of business: how it is organised and functions. This business primer also sets out to give those who decide to give business a go with ideas and, hopefully, motivation for approaching their ventures into the business world with recipes for success.”
It had a great review in “English Teaching Professional”
… (It) provides … a solid basis for any future business student, business English teacher, enthusiast – or someone who simply wants a business ‘quick fix’. … It is ideal as an addition to a business English teacher’s resource shelf or for use as a reference book for business students.
Phil Wade
Bordeaux, France.