Keeping up with technology is a never ending task. No sooner do you have the latest than you find it has become old hat! I still remember a student telling me all about … Power Point back in the late 90’s. I sat there open mouthed as he explained the concept to me. At that time there were no laptops or computers in the classrooms. Very quickly that changed and we had laptops available and the era of PowerPoint started. Then came mobile phones for everyone, WIFI, ipads etc. It’s never easy knowing which will stand the test of time and which will pass into the anals of history with a wry smile (remember Beta videos?).
In our ongoing quest to keep up with all the latest technology, we have just had some superb new equipment set up in the classrooms.
We have recently had some interactive whiteboards set up in some of our clasrooms.
With the lovely Jeremy and Lewis modelling
the latest technology installed at LSI/IH Portsmouth |