What do you do when you are away from home, in a strange country and with some time on your hands? Run a marathon!
At the start of the race |
Well this is what Jorge seems to do. Our lovely executive student Jorge Quidel, 37, from Syngenta S.A. in Chile, has been with us since the end of October and will stay until the start of December. He recently found himself in exactly this situation. “Because of my job I travel quite a lot in South America, so I have run in Argentina, Panama and Chile and now England!” Jorge has been running for 7 years now, he told us; “I practise four or five times per week and enter important races two or three times a year.”
On the 18th November, Jorge competed in the Gosport half marathon 2012.
He said he really enjoyed himself and was pleased with his time, although not his best, he said it was good enough.
We asked him what his goal was with his running; ‘My next goal is the ‘Ultra Marathon’ … a race that starts in Chile, and finishes in Argentina, going over the Corillera in the process. In total it is 100 kilometres over 3 days.
Jorge at the end of the race |
It is about 2000 meters above sea level, which means it is more difficult and takes longer to run. Usually, when I run on the flat, a kilometre takes about 6 minutes, in the mountains it will take more like 12 minutes, so double the time.
The first day is 34 kms, which will take about 6 hours, the second is 42 km (8 hrs) and finally the third day 25 km (5 hrs).”
We wish Jorge the very best for the ‘Ultra Marathon’, and thank him for letting us see his photos.
So, next time you are away from home and a little bored …