My name is Lewis, and this blog is about LSI/IH Portsmouth’s new IELTS Preparation Workshop that’s going to be starting in October. Here at LSI/IH Portsmouth, we have been teaching IELTS for over 30 years, I’ve been teaching IELTS here for nearly 20 years. Over the years, we’ve met lots of great people who needed to get a 7.0 or more in IELTS to move on to the next stage of their lives – either to work in the UK, or for their profession or to go to university, or possibly to emigrate to countries like Australia.
We run great IELTS group classes here in the school, where we prepare students for the exam, and if you have the time to attend (they are full-time from Monday to Friday) they are highly recommended. However, it struck us recently that for people who are already working in the UK, and probably don’t have the time to study full-time in the week, there’s a need for a different type of course. So we’ve designed the IELTS Masterclass – our IELTS Preparation Workshop as an intensive, one-day course, to be held on a Saturday, where either I, or another one of our IELTS experts, will teach you the most important things you need to know, in the quickest time possible!
From our experience, we know that what many people really need to improve are reading and writing. It’s really common to pass the speaking part of the test, and most people living in the UK don’t have much trouble with the listening, but the writing and reading are really tricky, and to pass the writing in particular, you really need an experienced IELTS teacher.
We have been teaching IELTS for over 25 years here at LSI/IH Portsmouth and have had many IELTS examiners teach here over the years, and we know that what the examiners are looking for is really specific, and it’s hard to write exactly what they want if you don’t know what they’re looking for, and how to do it. So this IELTS Preparation Workshop is designed to teach you those things – how to do task 1 in particular if you’re doing the academic module, and how to do task 2 at a level of 7.0. The IELTS Preparation Workshop will therefore run through the different types of writing for task 1 and 2, and provide you with tips, model essays and examples so that you can get on the right track. We’ve spent a long time teaching IELTS writing, and can pass on lots of tips. If you want to have a look at a book I’ve published on IELTS writing which aims to get your writing up to 7.0, here’s the link:
When it comes to reading, I always think the main problem is that you have to read a lot and answer 40 questions in such a short time. And, let’s be honest, some of the texts are not that exciting, and often they are quite scientific and quite dense. To get the higher scores in IELTS reading, you really need the right techniques, particularly for the main question types like True/False/Not Given, paragraph headings, matching, summaries and so on. We can’t do every question type in a one-day course, but we can show you some of the main reading techniques so that you can go home and practise more effectively. The IELTS Preparation Workshop also has a few tips for speaking and listening thrown in.
So, if all that sounds interesting to you, sign up for the next IELTS Preparation Workshop, or get in touch with us at LSI/IH Portsmouth, and we can tell you a bit more about the course. Or pop in and see us – we’re open from 8.30am to 5pm from Monday-Friday (except for the Saturdays when we’re doing IELTS Preparation Workshop!).
Next IELTS Preparation Workshops:
Sat 13th October 2018
10th November 2018
For more information see here