Ted Talks – Learning Tip to Improve your English from Matt

Learning Tips from Matt

How to Improve your English

The Internet is one of the best ways to improve your English as there are so many useful websites, especially for developing your listening and reading skills. However, with so many good websites to look at, which ones should you choose?

One of the best ones is www.ted.com/talks. TED stands for Technology, Education and Design. Its website shows a wide range of talks given by experts in their field. Most of the talks are not that long and on the website, you will find a transcript of the talk that you are watching. This is particularly useful as you can click on any part of the transcript and it will take you to that part of the talk. This means that you can replay as many times as you like a part of the talk that you are having a problem to understand.  If you watch the video below – Matt explains some useful ways to use TED Talks.

As a suggestion – before you listen to the talk, why not ask yourself a few questions that you hope to get the answers to while watching the video.  Or you can follow along with the script while listening, so you are seeing and hearing the words.

In addition to this website, there are a number of others which we would recommend for your listening and reading. At www.bbc.co.uk you will find lots of good videos and interesting, short articles about current affairs, as well the webpage ‘6 minute English’ which is designed for learners of English. At www.guardian.co.uk and www.independent.co.uk you will come across lots of really good articles about a wide range of subjects (current affairs, sport, the arts, media etc.).

You don’t need to look at these websites every day but try to set aside some time on a regular basis. Remember that watching one video or reading one article at a time is often better for your English. Note down any useful, new language in contextual sentences so that you can remember these words in future.

More tips here from Matt: