2013 saw LSI/IH Portsmouth break all records in numbers of students at the school, which in turn meant record numbers of teachers working. So what better way to say goodbye to a thoroughly enjoyable yet a little exhausting summer than to have our traditional End of Summer Party?
It was great to see faces old and new, enjoy some wonderful food (organised by Hannah) and be fortified with liquid refreshment to help wash it all down. If there was one thing missing it was someone taking photos! Everyone was enjoying themselves too much to get the cameras out and so all we have are the few pictures here – kindly donated by Angel. I’m sure you can only agree that it looks like everyone is having a thoroughly fabulous time! (The photos give the impression that only about ten people attended – this most definitely wasn’t the case – there just isn’t any evidence to say otherwise!)
From left: Lisa Li, Najat, Andrew, Angel and Peter |
From left: Angel, Lisa Li, Ouddy, Karen and Najat |
Najat and Peter (Looking a lot more relaxed now!) |
Najat, Peter, Angel and Lisa Li |
In the background you can just make out: Ed, Cliff, Marion, Gordon, Ceri and Shelton in the front: Lisa Li, Ouddy, Karen, Najat, Antonio. |
The evening was held in the lovely old Bridge Tavern in Old Portsmouth, a wonderfully historic pub brimming with character.
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