Sébastien Demazure, an IT Admin French man from Normandy, arrived at LSI/IH Portsmouth in April for two weeks to improve his English. He joined the General English programme with Business English in the afternoon.
In his free time Sébastien is a photographer. With his wife, Johanna, he takes wedding and portrait photography, and has been doing this professionally for the last three years.
In France there is a television show called Four Weddings for One Honeymoon (4 Marriages pour 1 Lune de Miel). Sebastien was invited to take the photographs for an episode of this show – what an accolade!
He says it is just a hobby, however when he speaks about his photographs it is more like a passion. He uses a 7D Canon 650D 7 lens and edits with RAW images in DXO Optic / NIK collection.
He says he came to LSI/IH Portsmouth because he wanted to feel easier with his English, and said that something strange happened a few days ago ‘something went click’ and he now speaks much easier, something all his teachers have noticed too. He believes that an immersion course is a really effective way of improving your English. He has since found the same problem many second language speakers find ‘there are some words now that I cannot remember the French word for and can only think of the English’ 😉
To see more of his pictures go to his website: www.doublevision.fr