English Courses for Overseas Teachers

What are our English Courses for Overseas Teachers?

LSI/IH Portsmouth offers two types of English training courses for non-native Secondary School teachers: Methodology and Language and CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). These courses are suitable for non-native secondary school teachers of learners aged 11-16+ and for those who are converting to teaching in English and for teachers who teach their subjects in English.

Both courses are available all year round on a closed group basis and open group basis during the summer. The programmes are designed to help teachers gain confidence and new skills to take back into the classroom.

Course objectives:

The course objectives are for participants to be able to:

  • Understand and discuss current methodologies within the context of their teaching.
  • Increase their ability to plan, teach and assess learners’ progress.
  • Refresh and develop own language and levels of fluency, accuracy and confidence.
  • Improve instructional and language terminology.

Course content

The course content can include:

  • Teaching the four language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking.
  • Creative activities for secondary school learners.
  • Classroom management skills.
  • Utilising drama, text, music and songs in the classroom.
  • Teaching and developing thinking skills.

08.30 – 09.15: Optional self-access
09.15 – 10.30: Teaching pronunciation
10.30 – 10.45: Morning Coffee Break
10.45 – 12.00: Effective classroom management skills
12.00 – 13.15: Lunch/Optional supervised self-access
13.15 – 14.30: Warmers, coolers and energisers
14.45 – 16.00: Drilling and how to implement it
16.00 – 17.00: Optional supervised self-access

Course content can be customised to meet the needs of a particular group whenever possible

Key Facts


While studying IELTS in Portsmouth, we can help to find the best accommodation for you! Whether you want to live with a local homestay family, in one of our self-catering residences, or choose to find your own accommodation.
Find out how we can help!

Social Programme

Studying English doesn’t happen in a classroom! with our full, varied and exciting social programme you can have fun, meet other people with the same interests, and practise your English in a social setting! Find out more about our after-school activities and weekend trip!