Why everyone loves LSI/IH...
Our students love us! We pride ourselves on the constantly high standard of teaching, the quality of facilities here at LSI/IH Portsmouth, and our great vibrant interesting friendly city Portsmou...
Our students love us! We pride ourselves on the constantly high standard of teaching, the quality of facilities here at LSI/IH Portsmouth, and our great vibrant interesting friendly city Portsmou...
LSI/IH Portsmouth conversation club with Alex A great way to meet new people and practise your spoken English Finding people to practise your spoken English with isn’t always easy. Many st...
How To Improve English Speaking Learning a language can either be a dull activity or a fun activity, and it isn’t always easy to know how to improve English speaking. When you learn Engl...
If you are a little older and are looking for an English language stay in Portsmouth - this is the ideal option for you. Our 30+ General English course is exclusively for adults aged 30 ye...
The Face lift! . The picture shows: Our stunning new Business Centre Lounge - note the unusual lights! - designed by Steve Fury and hand crafted by Mark Hendry We decid...
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